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  • #221

    想咨询一下,调试的时候,遇到很多问题,(1)用的是两个月之前的bruce-op(最新的版本带有simulation),调试的过程中,原地踏步这种模式,bruce的两个脚前后不一致,这样走了一会儿之后,两条腿直接相撞了(这个测试过程我们重复了好几次,也重启了),然后我直接bootup.sh之后,python3 -m Play.initialize,但是再一次bootup.sh的时候,机器人就没有办法站立了(2)请问我是不是应该按照full Operating这个step走一遍(3)也想请教一下为啥会有(bruce的两个脚前后不一致,这样走了一会儿之后,两条腿直接相撞了)这个问题(4)手持的急停开关是offline,是因为没有连上热点所以offline了吗?那急停开关连接不上的话,会影响程序运行吗?(5)每个驱动器的灯都是亮了两个,绿色和红色,请问这种正常吗?


    1) We recommend to keep your BRUCE-OP software up to date.

    In your case, this can be caused by many different issues/bugs, it can possibly be the following reasons:
    a. bad joint calibration — recalibrate the joints
    b. faulty foot sensor — check if all foot sensors are working fine, replace broken ones
    c. bad IMU or wrong estimation results. — check IMU readings and estimator results

    Bootup.sh is just an automated script that does everything in full operation for you. You do not need to run python3 -m Play.initialize after running bootup.sh. Stop and debug if you see abnormal initialization behaviors.

    2) Following full operation step by step is the same as running boot.sh.

    3) Again, this behavior can be caused by many different reasons, see 1).

    4) Status of Wireless ESTOP has nothing to do with WiFi. The module on BRUCE is probably not working if the remote says “offline”. BRUCE will not work if the Wireless ESTOP module installed on it is not functioning.

    5) Red light means there is an error. When all BEARs are showing a red light then it is highly possible that the Wireless ESTOP module installed on BRUCE is not working.

    a. 关节校准不良 — 重新校准关节
    b. 脚部传感器故障 — 检查所有脚部传感器是否正常工作,更换损坏的传感器
    c. IMU故障或Estimator结果错误 — 检查IMU读数和Estimator结果

    Bootup.sh只是一个自动化脚本,可以为您执行完整操作的所有操作。在运行bootup.sh后,您不需要运行python3 -m Play.initialize。如果看到异常的初始化行为,请停止并查找问题。





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